Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Freedom is Possible

Most of you probably already know that a little over a year ago I found myself deep in the trenches of an eating disorder. After months of denial and several hospitalizations, I finally came to terms with my anorexia. It was then I made the decision to enter treatment and fight for my life back. As I sit here today, fully recovered, I cant help but thank the Lord for allowing me to walk though that desert season in my life... I call it my blessing in disguise. I believe I went though it for a purpose and I am now bound and determined to help in the fight against eating disorders. The desire of my heart is for women to know the freedom they can have from an eating disorder... the freedom through Christ. Not too long ago I came across this video that inspired me in my fight against "fat talk", bad body image, low self esteem, and of course eating disorders. Enjoy....


Bri and John said...

great video! Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

I love your blog! Thanks for sharing -- I'll check back often.



emily morgan said...

Love the video you even more. I'm sooo proud of you Sweetie. God is doing a wonderful, marvelous work in your life. Keep serving Him with joy:)