Monday, November 17, 2008

One of Those Days

Ugh, what an exhausting day! God showed me once again that His plan is not always my plan, and while I'm free to kick and scream about it, in the end what He has planned is always far better than anything I could imagine for myself. Unfortunately, today was the day all college students dread most... registration!! Yuck just hearing that word makes me cringe. Anyway, as I battled to get the last of my pre-nursing courses, I discovered that two of the classes I need most are both completely full and closed. And while I was frustrated and annoyed initially, my sister so wonderfully reminded me that no matter what happens, its all apart of God's plan, just let it go and put it back in His hands. Now as I wind down from what feels like a never ending emotional roller coaster, I realize that in the big scheme of things this is simply a little bump in the road. No use in worrying, its a wasted emotion. After all, its impossible to worry and trust the Lord at the same time... I'm choosing to trust the Lord.

Proverbs 16:3

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

1 comment:

Aunt Sharon said...

You will never go wrong by trusting in God's plan. A surrendered life is the only kind of life a believer can live. "Let go and let God"...great words to live by. I'm excited to see what amazing things God has planned for you!
Love & Hugs,