Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yesterday was a rough day. I found myself having to continually push myself to move forward.
My mind simply would not let me forget how much my joints hurt, how much my rib cage ached, or how awful the side effects of the medication I'm taking are.
It's been difficult lately trying to accept my broken body for what it is, but step by step, inch by inch, I've begun to make progress.
Unfortunately with ever 5 steps forward, I inevitably experience 3 steps back.... and yesterday was a 3 step back kinda day.
I was sure nothing would turn this day around. I was positive no one would succeed in putting a smile on my face. And I was confident I wouldn't be able to find joy in the midst of sorrow.....
But then came a knock on my door. As I opened it, there stood my wonderful boyfriend holding a bouquet of flowers and a lovely "feel better" card.
*SIGH* my heart melted. Suddenly a smile came to my face and for a second everything in my world seemed right again. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world.
Bad days are inevitable, but he always seems to cheer me up- and for that I feel so very blessed!

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