Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Root Canal Day

Well, part one of "operation root canal'' is officially over... but most importantly, I survived!! Unfortunately, I will have to return in 2 weeks to be fitted for my crown, but for now I'm basking in the glory of mouth freedom. Well sort of. For the time being, I'm taking 800mg of motrin every 6 hours to take the swelling down, and vicodin on top of that for the pain. Oh and I'm still pretty numb, which is definitely a weird feeling, but also kind of amusing. I know I'm lame, but making funny faces in the mirror with half my face essentially paralyzed is quite entertaining. I've had a good laugh. After all, laughter is the best medicine. So whats on the schedule for the evening you ask? My plan is to stay druged, keep my head elevated, drink smoothies, watch So You Think You Can Dance tonight, and sleep. My prayer is that I feel significantly better by the morning.

Thanks for the prayers everyone.

Daily "Positive": eating nothing but frozen yogurt and smoothies all day long! I finally have an excuse to eat dessert junk all day. SCORE!


Kaitlyn Marie said...

yeesh,glad it went well!!!

Amanda said...

Praying for a quick recovery!