Friday, July 10, 2009

Steps of Faith

No job yet. And although I'm frustrated and growing somewhat impatient,I trust God has a plan. As Jason Fritz once said, "often times God doesnt reveal His plan until we're already on the path."
So often I ask the Lord to reveal His plan and purpose for my life. To lead me where He wants me. To show me what He has in store for me. But God doesnt operate on the same level I do. I want to be told what to do and move in that direction, but God wants me to move before He reveals the direction. It takes great faith to move forward blindly, trusting the Lord to light your path and guide you along the way. So today I move forward. Today I stop waiting for some great Heaven sent sign. Today I begin to move forward in faith, trusting that the Lord will reveal the direction when the time is right. Until then, I serve Him and rest in the knowledge that He knows the way even when I do not.
Daily "Positive": Well because its only 10:00am, not much has happened yet today so I'll do a "positive" for yesterday. Yesterday I got to spend the day with my new and lovely friend Elise, and I also got to spend the evening playing games with some hilarious friends from The Element! I truly love the friends I've made in only 5 short weeks!

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